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Consciousness While Parenting


Raising  our own self…!!! What could that even be? We are already raised, grown-up adults with a formed mind structure, a pattern of thoughts and hold good enough experience to nurture and raise our children. Then what is it all about?

Well, in the process of growing up we have somewhere succumbed to the conditioning of the outer world, thus losing the real person that we are. For example, society tells us to look a certain way, get a certain kind of job, and achieve some goals by a certain age. These external  pressures restrict us from enjoying the smaller joys of life. Raising our own self applies to looking beyond the external and being what we really are.

The last one year through the pandemic brought with it huge shifts in our lives, both personally and professionally. This is a known reality to all, that we were pinned by challenges, uncertainties, fears of the known and unknown. Each one has waded through this phase in their own way. Some are still swimming the current, while some have reached the safe edge. What’s important is the kind of feelings, thoughts, and mindsets we are carrying on now.

Had this year been like an eye-opener to us in terms of restructuring and assimilating certain beliefs about ourselves? This is something one really needs to think through. From a broader spectrum of society, economically and psychologically each person has been in the state of survival against reality. Yet what is that one thing which has guarded the sense of survival… It is the Immunity of the Mind, Body and Soul.

Immunity of body and physical health has been much talked about by many sources, throughout the year. But what about the immunity of the Mind and Soul? These are deeper elements, playing a huge role in the background. The mind by itself a powerful tool, if used with the intensity of channelizing the energy in a mindful way. Having said that,

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