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How to Increase Concentration Levels in Children


Children are fun-loving and always high on energy. It’s often a challenge to get children to sit at a place for a while, focus, and finish a task with full concentration. The reason they lack concentration and distract easily is that their minds work differently to adults. As parents, the most common concern they have is, how to improve concentration in their children? Concentration level is an important aspect when it comes to learning. Here are a few tips that will help in increasing the concentration level in children, especially during the important years of early education.

5 Best Proven Ways to Increase Concentration in Children

1. Relaxation
2. Nutrition
3. Involve children in brain-storming games
4. Assign daily tasks
5. Set time limits for task completion


A good night’s sleep is important for increasing the concentration level. According to research, adding 27 minutes of extra sleep per night in your child routine can help in managing the moods and impulses of school going kids. This helps in addressing child concentration problems and increasing their focus on homework in order to increase the concentration level in kids.

Other than a good night’s sleep, a power nap of twenty to thirty minutes in the afternoon or after school hours also improves concentration in children. Memory consolidation, which is the ability to create stable memories, is enhanced during sleep. Proper sleep strengthens the neural connections that form our memories, thus helping in improving concentration.

2. Nutrition:

Everyone knows about the importance of a balanced diet. Poor nutrition is one of the reasons behind child concentration problems for a long time. A diet, high in sugar and unhealthy fats, affects the concentration skills of children. Some healthy food choices that can help in boosting concentration levels are milk, eggs, salmon, bacon, oats, etc. Omega-3 fatty acids also help in boosting concentration levels. Dehydration also affects brainpower.

The loss of sodium and electrolytes causes acute changes in memory and attention. The human brain is made up of 75% water, but it cannot store water. Hence, water deprivation can affect brain cells and diminish cognitive performance in children.
Make sure that your child drinks enough water not only in summer but in other seasons too. Avoid junk food, caffeine, and energy drinks for children.

3. Involve children in brain-storming games:

Involving children in too many activities can become tiring for them. Allow them to have fun and involve them in brainstorming games and fun activities. Get them into playing some physical games rather than giving them any electronic games to play with. Studies have shown that smartphones reduce a person’s ability to focus. Give them games that require thinking and propel creativity in order to improve concentration levels in kids. There are a variety of games available in stores that require planning, focus, and concentration. etc. If you are looking for clues and answers online for various crossword games, then visit crossword site 911.

Games that require problem-solving, analytical skills, and critical thinking help in addressing child concentration problems. Some of the examples of thinking games are Memory, Uno, Jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, etc. Games like “Statue” or “Just Sit” give your child a challenge to focus and sit in a particular posture without moving and help them to increase their concentration level, thus enhancing concentration and focus. Sequencing activities like assembling a table, following recipes, and arranging things in alphabetical order are great activities to boost concentration.

4. Assign daily tasks:

Getting children involved in small tasks helps them in getting disciplined and increasing focus. These tasks can either be housework, homework, or any other responsibility. Any responsibility you give, divide them into small tasks. Step by step completion of the tasks leads to the complete project. This will keep them occupied and increase their confidence too. Small tasks are also easy to focus on, giving them happiness while making progress. Depending on your child’s age, give them responsibilities like sorting a bookshelf, arranging a cupboard, or making a sandwich.

Also, keep on making these activities fun and change them frequently, so that they look forward to doing some new tasks. You can arrange for a pleasant ambience at your home when you give them these daily activities like playing soft instrumental music in the background. Keep all the materials required for completing the assigned task within reach of the children, so they do not distract from their work, trying to search for items.

5. Set time limits for task completion:

Children are going to enjoy their tasks only when it is fun and filled with love. To make any task fun, set a time limit. The idea of completing a task in a given time forces your child to focus and finish it on time. The time set should not be too short to give them anxiety neither too long to make it easy going. Setting rigid time limits could also affect their ability to focus. A time limit of 15-20 minutes is enough to keep them focused and not get distracted. A longer time limit may promote inattentiveness and distraction, thus defeating the purpose.

Concentration improves with training and discipline just like any other skill. Remember to be consistent while following any method of boosting your concentration. Do not overindulge your children in too many mind activities, as these can put added pressure on them and over time they might lose interest. These five tips described above improve concentration in your kids and also empower the relationship with your children. Now, that you know about how to improve concentration and focus on your kids, share these tips with your friends and family eagerly.

Author Bio:

Rebecca Siggers is a Teacher and passionate writer. She enjoys writing about the Kids learning activities, Parenting tips, effects of Puzzles and Crosswords all around the globe. She has been working as a freelance writer for quite some time now. Through her writing, she hopes to influence as many people as possible to help kids grow their mental skills.

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